May 6, 2011

John Lennon - It's Hard To Be Butterflies

Publisher: Barrier
Reference: BAR 007/008
Date: 2000

Disc 1
01. I'm Stepping Out        - Demo
02. I'm Stepping Out        - Demo
03. I'm Stepping Out        - Demo with rhythm box
04. Sean Visits The Studio  - Sean arrives during a vocal booth recording.
05. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 1. Multi tracks mix down.
06. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 2. Multi tracks mix down.
07. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 1. Vocal booth recording.
                              The music can be heard in the background.
08. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              Mostly discussions & a little bit of rehearsal.
09. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              Rehearsals & discussions.
                              The music can be heard in the background.
10. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              Discussions & rehearsals. John explains to the
                              session musicians how to play the guitar part.
11. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              More rehearsals so the sessions musicians
                              can learn the song.
12. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              John is rehearsing the main riff with
                              the sessions musicians.
13. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              More rehearsals ... the band is trying
                              to play it in one pass.
14. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 3. Vocal booth recording. Breakdown.
15. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 4. Vocal booth recording. Breakdown.
16. I'm Stepping Out /      - Take 5. Vocal booth recording. Breakdown.
    It's Now Or Never
17. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 6. Vocal booth recording.
                              The last take that day.
18. Hard Times Are Over     - Choir overdub. Multi track mixdown.
                              John on the mixing desk.
19. Hard Times Are Over     - Choir overdub. Multi track mixdown.
                              John on the mixing desk.
20. Hard Times Are Over     - Choir overdub. Multi track mixdown.
                              John on the mixing desk.

Disc 2
01. Ordering Dinner /       - John & the band decide to order Sushis.
    Improvisation             John plays a funk rhythm on his guitar.
02. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 7. Vocal booth recording.
03. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              More indications by John.
04. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 8. Vocal booth recording.
                              Another improvised intro.
05. I'm Stepping Out        - Rehearsal. Vocal booth recording.
                              Playback & more discussions.
06. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 6. Vocal booth recording.
                              Another improvised intro. The end fades out.
07. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 9. Multi tracks mix down. Fades out.
08. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 9. Multi tracks mix down. Ends abruptly.
09. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 1. Multi tracks mix down.
10. I'm Stepping Out        - Take 2. Multi tracks mix down.
11. Every Man Has           - Vocal booth recording. Yoko talks to Sean
    A Woman Who Loves Him     while the musicians rehearse in the background.
12. Every Man Has           - Vocal booth recording.
    A Woman Who Loves Him     Yoko rehearsals his vocals.
13. Every Man Has           - Vocal booth recording.
    A Woman Who Loves Him     More Yoko vocal rehearsals.
14. Every Man Has           - Multi track mixdown. Yoko on vocals. Fades out.
    A Woman Who Loves Him
15. Every Man Has           - Multi track mixdown. Yoko on vocals. Fades out.
    A Woman Who Loves Him
16. Every Man Has           - Multi track mixdown. Yoko on vocals. Fades out.
    A Woman Who Loves Him
17. Every Man Has           - Multi track mixdown. John on vocals. Fades out.
    A Woman Who Loves Him

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

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